Blessings of a Drippy Faucet

In a desperate moment to find clarity and answers to life’s challenges, Dana looked to her Heavenly Father for help.  In that desperate act of faith, God bestowed upon her a gift: the gift of writing.  “Blessings of a Drippy Faucet” was born.

Using this Gift of the Spirit, God gave Dana the answers in the form of experience where He would expect her to document and share her journey with the world.  Over the course of 15 years, God walked with Dana every step of the way.  Sometimes she ran ahead of Him, but that only enhanced her learning journey.

If you have ever wondered what this life is all about and why we experience adversity, some of us more than others, then this book is for you.  What God taught Dana, and what He can teach you, is that there is Divine meaning to adversity in life on Earth.  Imagine that the challenging circumstances you struggle through are the very things that can and will help you rise above.

By following Dana’s journey, learn the power of discernment that will help you to become a better version of yourself…and rise above.

A portion of the proceeds of this book will build a program for at-risk youth.


“During a very dark period in my life, I was so bitter and angry at everyone and everything. Dana took me through an exercise that identified the qualities that I most admired about myself. The three qualities that were left at the end of the exercise were love, loyalty, and honesty. These are the things that really make me “tick” and are qualities I look for in return in relationships.  She taught me how to seek and attract that type of relationship by loving myself and by being –loyal and honest to myself.”  – Brian Johnson

“Dana helped guide me through a turbulent time of my life and used the tools that dwell within her to point me in the right direction to get me back on a positive path.  She has taken her valuable education and blended with her real-world experience to come up with the wisdom and guidance to help others with issues she believes are important in all of our lives. She has a love to share and help others persevere to find the answers to their life-long issues.”  – Ralph Petrarca

“Two important things that this book taught me; HOW to forgive, and that forgiveness was not for the person who does someone wrong, but rather was the lock on the door to my past. Forgiveness was freedom for me.”  – Chris Tortorice